Monday, January 28, 2008

Quitting Smoking - Day 1



ahem.. I`m o.k - just a craving....

I did good today . . Didn`t kill anyone.. I had one cigarette at 3pm ..the only one I will ever have again I believe...

The pills do work a bit...I recall much worse anger and frustration when I quit last.  But , it is not a magic pill.  I still have to Quit... It doesn`t just magically clear all urges away.  

But I`m hanging in there , and am confident I can do it.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More then anything else confidence is what the Chantix gave me. When I am taking it I always felt like I could stop smoking and not go insane. Even when I slipped I still felt like I could still quit and be successful. I havent smoked for 30 days now and even went out boozing this weekend without a single cig. I know you can do it Kev keep up the good work and even if you do slip keep trying.