Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And they think we don`t understand them ?

Palestine elects terrorist organization - Hamas into government power

Iraqis picked shiite leader Al-Jaafari over a moderate as a interim prime minister , , because he aligned himself with the violent theocrist cleric -Al Sadyr (the man who staged the uprising against the army and hid their militia and weapons in mosques daring us to fire)

Iran (truly a theocracy run by radical clerics)- the people removed former pro - western (albeit ineffective) president and voted in Ahmadineja , a radical who promptly became the fundamentalist mouthpiece for the mullahs. They promptly threaten the world with nuclear aquisition.

The muslim world`s ridiculous over reaction rioting in response to the danish-cartoons have now caused nearly 20 deaths and millions of dollars of damage to embassies .

Remember the riots in afghanistan from the bogus story of interrogators flushing Korans down a toilet (Proved to be a lie)

In France Muslims continue to riot nearly every other week in response to various serious offenses such as the ban on head scarves in public schools.

An indonesian islamic court sentences two Australian 20ish yr old drug smugglers to death by Firing squad (australian gov`t is appealing for clemency)

A turkish movie was released this week depicting american soldiers fighting Turkish special forces (based on the true story of turks who crossed the border to put down the kurds in iraq) sporting Mohawks , brandishing bibles , shooting children point-black. Also shows US doctors harvesting organs from dead soldiers and shipping them to Israel.

Islamic Jihadis have killed schoolchildren in Beslan, Chechneya, which was part of the former Soviet Union. They have beheaded little Christian girls in Indonesia. They have killed Western tourists in Bali.

September 11th

I think we understand them just fine.
Kevin Beary


Anonymous said...

Until you feel completely hopeless or truly understand what that is like you will never understand them. They are brought up in utter poverty with no chance of a better life. They live 10 or 12 people to a room, and watch family and friends starve to death. They are taught since childhood that america is responsible for their position. If we spent just a small time in their shoes I know most of us would be forced to make decisions that right now you think are outrageous. Being someone who faced hopelesness through a compulsion I know the gnawing feeling when you think there is nothing you can do about a certain situation. When life seems hopeless and your kids are starving your friends are murdered then and only then should you sit back and make judgement. Its easy to sit at your computer with a sandwich ridicule someone then go turn up the heat and go to bed... Make that same argument after you walked 3 miles for clean water, dug through garbage for a rotted apple for lunch and then watched your kid starve because you couldnt waste the good on a weak baby when you are responsible for an entire family.

I know a people who founded their country by eradicating the entire culture and people that existed before them. Then they built their country off of the backs of slaves. They started a war against their homeland to be able to run the country themselves and just a few years later were embroiled in a civil war. They are the only country to use a weapon of mass destruction and kill millions of innocent people. They constantly fund guerilla and terrorist organizations around the world and have had a hand in the toppling of leaders of several countries. They constantly get involved in other lands and force their will upon weaker nations. And after all that from my perspective sitting on my couch with a slice of pizza watching a big screen TV knowing if I lost my job I would be OK or even if I had no money I could find a way I still think it is the greatest country in the world. Its funny what you can rationalize when you think about it. Are there reactions always right?NO is ok to kill innocent people. NO.
We can sit back and ridicule and judge a people fighting for their lives and future the only way they know how and then justify unthinkable atrocities because it is our history and what we were founded on.

I think I understand you as much as I would like to.

Anonymous said...

I think that anonymous is right , these people are poor and have endured hardships beyond our understanding.
I think they are in their right to riot , assassinate , support terror operations in retaliation against the western powers.
In Iraq they are blowing up eachothers mosques . Hey , maybe they will wipe eachother out amd solve everybodies problems.
I assume annonymous is American , and as a brit , I agree Amerioa is guilty of worse violations. All ya`ll (texas slang?) are the worst terrorists out there

Out with Blair with the respect party !!!