Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bush orders the storming of an iranian embassy in Iraq

Within the hour of last nights speech about a troop surge , and preventing Iranian and Syrian 
intervention , , US forces raided an Iranian consulate in northern Iraq, arresting five diplomats and staff and taking computers and files. 

Only weeks before Bush said he will consider all plans of action on Iraq , and seek bi-partisan consensus on an Iraqi plan , Bush stubbornly ignores all aspects of ISG , including dialogue with Iran and Syria , and effectively declares war on them with the arrival of an additional aircraft carrier strike force and defensive patriot missiles to protect allies (this means Israel) , and then this arresting of "legal" diplomats in the country.  

This is scary.  
I am not at this time stating he is wrong , or that I agree with attempting to dialogue with Iran and Syria but .......this is scary
I was reading something on MSNBC and Tim Russert came away the thought that Bush has hinted on a wider war which would include Iran.  

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