Monday, February 27, 2006

Smoke `em if you got `em

The U.S Congress is one of the few indoor workplaces in the U.S where it is still legal to smoke. Congrss is exempted from workplace laws that govern the rest of the country.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And they think we don`t understand them ?

Palestine elects terrorist organization - Hamas into government power

Iraqis picked shiite leader Al-Jaafari over a moderate as a interim prime minister , , because he aligned himself with the violent theocrist cleric -Al Sadyr (the man who staged the uprising against the army and hid their militia and weapons in mosques daring us to fire)

Iran (truly a theocracy run by radical clerics)- the people removed former pro - western (albeit ineffective) president and voted in Ahmadineja , a radical who promptly became the fundamentalist mouthpiece for the mullahs. They promptly threaten the world with nuclear aquisition.

The muslim world`s ridiculous over reaction rioting in response to the danish-cartoons have now caused nearly 20 deaths and millions of dollars of damage to embassies .

Remember the riots in afghanistan from the bogus story of interrogators flushing Korans down a toilet (Proved to be a lie)

In France Muslims continue to riot nearly every other week in response to various serious offenses such as the ban on head scarves in public schools.

An indonesian islamic court sentences two Australian 20ish yr old drug smugglers to death by Firing squad (australian gov`t is appealing for clemency)

A turkish movie was released this week depicting american soldiers fighting Turkish special forces (based on the true story of turks who crossed the border to put down the kurds in iraq) sporting Mohawks , brandishing bibles , shooting children point-black. Also shows US doctors harvesting organs from dead soldiers and shipping them to Israel.

Islamic Jihadis have killed schoolchildren in Beslan, Chechneya, which was part of the former Soviet Union. They have beheaded little Christian girls in Indonesia. They have killed Western tourists in Bali.

September 11th

I think we understand them just fine.
Kevin Beary

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Lost Boards

Knowledge and Reason : There are those that believe .....

The pursuit of knowledge is its own goal , is its own virtue. "Knowledge is knowledge about reality. Its base is perception, and its method is reason." The attainment of knowledge primarily through the use of the one unrivaled gift of mankind , Reason ,is in and of itself a moral right. It is beauty. It is its own reward.
There are those that believe knowledge is a weapon to be wielded at the ignorant. There are those that believe that the flaunting of knowledge is self-empowering. There are those who present opinions , feelings , vague notions , or Instincts , and call it knowledge.
It is not.
Reason is the means of integrating our perceptions into concept and gaining knowledge. The method of reason applies the use of logic, deduction, and induction. There are no feelings , Reason is absolute and should only produce emotions at its creation and existence and its beauty , not at fancy espousings , not at its ability to "make one look good" when flaunting a pretense of it. That is whats called Rhetoric , which can be used to attain knowledge when wielded by two or more open and reasoning minds,but more often is simply argumentative,aimed not to
gain knowledge but to confuse it ; the arguing itself is the "Showdog" and the prize.
I know a friend who lost his proof of his knowledge , and he was lost. I felt for him not because of his actual loss but for his misconception that knowledge , or genius , is something that must be "shown" or "flaunted" for it to have worth. By the very definitions I put forth , this is absolutely untrue , and if held as truth by my poor friend , sheds light on his epistemology , and shows it to be mere sophistry.

Signed ,
Who else but the guilty can righteously recognize and accuse

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Shall we Dance ?

Lori and I watched this movie , a rental from Netflix

Richard Gere , Susan Surandon , Jennifer Lopez. One would think this could make for a good movie cast. If you like romantic comedies I guess it was a cute movie but if you ask my opinion , it was nothing but unthinking fluff.

This movie was light , airy and unimportant like the foam-scum from stagnant surf.

I don`t reccomend it

My first Blog

I screwed up big , In attempting to create a splash page blog I promptly erased my entire site. I had to upload the entire site from my computer which does not have the message boards. Therefore the message boards are irretrievably lost. I`m very pissed. I will redo a message board soon but for now I`m too dejected

Heres my blog