Feel free not to read the following because it is not interesting but I felt I must journal this episode as to remember it in the future.
Went to Stratton Mountain ,vt for the weekend and stayed at the inn on the mountain. Planned on Lori to take ski lessons but we didn`t make it in time coz it takes over an hour to get rentals ...sux
I had a relatively nice day of skiing despite the frigid temps , except towards the last hour plus of trying to get off one side of the mountain back to the main lodge , only to find myself back on a trail leading to that same wrong side of the mountain. With no exaggeration , I spent 1 hour out of 1 hour and 7 minutes either on a lift in 17 degrees weather or on a quad burning connector green trail ,skate-skiing so as to avoid an absolute standstill...
We also wimped out on the x-country ski lessons I planned on , sunday , as it was snowing and windy , and my all wheel drive subaru almost didn`t make it out of the inn`s parking lot. Took three attempts to get up the icy hill... We ended up doing some snow shoeing instead at Fort Dummer state park in brattleboro , vt and had a nice lunch in greenfield , mass ...a quaint college town that may or may not have a college.
We even hit the gym that sunday evening when we got home , and I did 24 laps in the pool (brando told me I should swim and he was right) which is probably the most swimming i`ve done since I was a kid (I passed a lifeguard test as a young punk but never bothered lifeguard-ering) - So despite not eating all that wonderful (we did pack some good for us food but had difficulty with dinner options) I lost another pound ... I`m officially 5 pounds lighter than when we started dieting , Jan 5th. Lori , complainedly , only managed to avoid gaining weight over the weekend weighing in at .......____(yeah right , she`d kill me)
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