Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The alarm sounds.  Incessantly and Insistently.
The emergency of life
Why even wake? Again and Again
A pointless exercise.
"Sometimes I feel..." - Afflicts us All
The human condition
My minds tide , Rises and Falls
It washes you away.
My moods affect those who are around me; I affect the moods of you who intercept me.
I must control that which needs controlling;  So obvious, it needs no extolling.
Grasp this smelly beast by its horns and wrench;  Release all that's rank ,rid yourself this stench
Then you will find the happiness you seek; So obvious , demands no great technique.
3 words x2 similar
6 syllables definition
Conclusion -  a a b b Pentameter
Repetition of words / themes / alliteration


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The unpassable river rushes below a torched and decimated bridge 
I see you on the opposite bank , moonlit , your beaming face smiles.
As my shadow points your new direction , you turn and walk away.
I yell and scream but the sound is whisked away downstream.
Hopping and flailing impotently , I helplessly beg for your attention.
A moment of crazed frenzy convinces me to jump into the rapids.
The searing chill swiftly cures my mania. Scared sober,
I swim for all I'm worth , my arms and legs burning
This lactic acid bath invades my brain and soothes its will
The turbulence overtakes me and im drawn away to the unknown
A dead dove floats past me , eyes black and empty
Drifting away , my purpose lost to the side I will not reach ,
I release myself to the numbing current and the deep black.
Soundlessly, I succumb , slipping beneath the waves silently.