Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama surprises me again.

I`m just as angry as the next guy ,over AIG paying off the execs with bailout money whilst they lay off the average joe. BUT... I was amazed that the congress voted on passing a punitive tax rate of %90 on those bonuses. If this passed , what other knee-jerk angry reactions can congress enact ? I was further worried that it would be tied in to something O`Bama did want to sign.
I was thankful to read the following

--President Obama, said we cannot "govern out of anger" just because of public outrage ; he does not like the idea of "passing laws that are just targeting a handful of individuals" or using the tax code to punish people.

"Let's see if there are ways of doing this that are both legal, that are constitutional, that uphold our basic principles of fairness, but don't hamper us from getting the banking system back on track," Obama said on CBS' "60 Minutes."--

This is just one of a few times , I had heard the government was going to do "this crazy thing or enact that crazy idea" and Pres. Obama eventually sets the record straight by retorting with common sense. I don`t agree with everything the government is doing but just when I start doubting , Pres. Obama reminds me why I voted for him.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St Paddys Day !!!

St. Paddys day is here .I`ll be going to work but
...I felt I should acknowledge my Irishness ...Born Kevin Patrick Beary I must give a nod to the Saint that inspired my middle initial. Thinking of myself as Irish (which is rare that I do so) makes me think of my grandfather (may he rest in peace) playing some old Clancy Bro`s records ...we would eat corned beef with cabbage and real mashed potatoes. He would also have us eat Irish Soda Bread with a THICK slab of butter on it. That was Irish to me...the drinkers in my family had long hung up their tankards by this time due to necessity.

I also must proclaim aloud my intention to renew my New Years vows ...March 15th - I will again 6/15 and 9/15th - I believe thusfar I have been successful having lost 18 pounds and continuing to work out. I intend to continue going to the gym 3-4 x a week and continuing our active weekends filled with hikes and walks.
Hopefully my 6/15th post will show my continued resolve.