Monday, March 24, 2008

Going to Disney !!!

I booked Lori and I for a 10 day honeymoon in walt disney world.  I already have an itinerary for every day we are there including dinner reservations for each night.  We are staying at the Port Orleans resort.  Should be fun.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Clinton and Obama still neck in neck

  I don`t think this tight race is good for the democrats.  With the back and forth bashing of eachother , the primaries are providing the republicans with fodder to use against the future  democratic nominee.  
  Just like the last election when the republicans were able to establish "Flip Flop"  
to tip the scales in their favor , they have plenty to go on thanks to the 
candidates own primary campaigns .  
We are already hearing things like the following ,

She - Will do or say anything to win.  Claims experience she doesn`t actually have.  

He - is a muslim , He is all talk no action.  

This is just making it easier for Mcain to win the presidency .  The Dem`s are in trouble.